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What You Should Know About Full Mouth Implants

Implants are a great modern means of replacing one or more missing teeth. It does require surgery and some lengthy healing but in the end, you have teeth that look like real teeth, and act and feel like real teeth. If you have had significant damage to your teeth, perhaps an accident, perhaps an illness or an addiction, you can think about whether to get full mouth implants. You do not have to settle for dentures, you can get something that works just like your regular teeth and will not come loose or need repairs! If you have been in an accident and are unable to eat properly, implants will fix that. If the damage means you can no longer talk properly and do not like to leave the home, implants can help with that.

You need to have healthy gums

Not everyone can have full mouth reconstruction performed. A dentist, Sandbach or where you are will examine you and assess your health and the health of your gums. A full mouth reconstruction cannot happen if a patient has a number of problems one of them being unhealthy gums. Gum disease needs treatment before any work on the teeth can happen. If there is a lot of infection the implants will take successfully.

A couple of potential alternatives to implants are veneers or dentures. Veneers go over the teeth you have to make them look better, whiter, straighter, not cracked. You can use porcelain veneers for quite natural-looking teeth over broken and flawed teeth for a better-looking smile if you cannot get implants. Another option if you do not have old teeth to place veneers over are dentures. Dentures are much improved but still have their issues.

How they work

Implants if you are able to get them then are quite a more involved procedure than other options. The first session once the measuring and such as done would be to have the dentist cut into the gums to expose the bone of your jaw. There they place in a small piece of titanium, for more than one implant they put in more than one post. Then you have to let that heal and the bone will grow around it and they fuse together. Then the full mouth implants are placed over that rod. The rod is like the new roots. When you heal from that part of the procedure you will find they feel like real teeth, and you can eat anything, with no limits, unlike with dentures. They are fixed in place, you do not ever take them out. There are no wires or anything like that.

Looking after your implants

Looking after your implants is the same as looking after natural teeth. You brush them at least twice a day to keep the plaque away and the dentist Sandbach may suggest an antibacterial toothpaste to better reduce the build-up of plaque. When you do not look after them and let plaque build-up to huge degrees it could cause the implants to become unstable and fail.